Meet Our Team


Appeer was set up and is being run by a group of autistic and neurodivergent women who have lived and professional experience of autism. We also work with a range of professionals including psychologists, school staff, organisations supporting neurodiversity and other autistic and neurodivergent women in advisory and operational capacities in order to maximise the benefit of their support.


Due to the diverse and extensive lived and professional experience of Appeer Community Interest Company’s staff team and our close connections with the community we support, Appeer are well positioned to pinpoint the unique needs of autistic girls, autistic women and their families. 


Our Core Team

Sam Emmerson


Sam has extensive professional and lived experience of supporting and advocating for neurodivergent and disabled young people and adults, including those with mental health challenges, in Surrey. Sam is a qualified teacher and is an experienced strategic leader within local authority, charity and education settings.

Annaliese Boucher

Business Manager

Annaliese has 18 years of experience working with children, young people, and families. Over the last decade, she has advocated for neurodiversity in senior leadership roles within the charity and voluntary sector.

Cathryn Jagger

 Engagement Manager

Cathryn oversees our communications and engagement across the organisation including admissions across all Programmes.

Claire Livingston

Admin Officer

Claire oversees all our organisational administration including bookings. 

Paula Stables

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Paula has been a Social Worker for 20 years working with children, families and adults.

Our Programme Managers


Social Interest Programme Manager

Nicki has extensive experience supporting young people with additional needs at both specialist schools and respite centres. 


Alternative Provision Manager

Kris has over 20 years experience working with children. She's taught everything from Cookery to Forest school.  Kris is also a school governor of an ASD Specific school.

Cathryn Jagger

Parent/Carer Programme Manager

Cathryn manages our Parent/Carer Programme across all our Groups and Sessions.  Cathryn has extensive experience in family support.


Monthly Women's Group Lead and Youth Facilitator

Natalie leads our Young Women's Group and also facilitates at our Monthly Groups. She is also a class teacher at a specialist school. She has lived experience of autism. 

Our Facilitators


Parent/Carer Facilitator

Sally facilitates  our Monthly Groups and the Weekday AP Parent/Carer Sessions   Sally provides valuable signposting and peer support.


Youth Facilitator

Nicky has lived experience of autism and is also a yoga teacher so is very calm.  Nicky works at our Weekday Groups.


Youth Facilitator

Michelle has over 20 years of experience of supporting autistic young people within schools. Michelle works at our Monthly and Weekday Groups.


Youth Facilitator

Lindsey has extensive experience working with children from her role in an after school club.  She has a passion for musical theatre. Lindsey works at both our Weekday and Monthly Groups.


Youth Facilitator

Robyn works at both our Weekday and Monthly Groups and has a keen interest in the outdoors and animals.


Youth Facilitator

Jess has extensive experience supporting children and young adults in education and Riding for the Disabled.  Jess works at both our Monthly and Weekday Groups.


Youth Facilitator

Deborah has extensive experience supporting children and young adults in special educational settings.  Deborah works at our Weekday Alternative Provision.


Neurodiversity Facilitator

Casey is an autistic advocate with a specialism in sensory toys and tools.  She runs our Casey's Space Monthly feature at our Monthly and Weekday Groups.


Youth Facilitator

Kate works at our Monthly Groups


Youth and Women's Group Facilitator

Susanne works at our Weekday Young Women's Group, Monthly Teen Group and Monthly Young Women's Group


Youth Facilitator

Caitlin works at our Monthly Girls and Monthly Teen Groups.  She is a graduate of our Teens Exploring Work Programme.

Jo M

Parent/Carer Facilitator

Jo looks after our parents and carers at our Monthly Teen Group Parent/Carer Sessions.


Yoga Teacher

Laura is a fully qualified yoga teacher. She has taught our autistic teens and young women for a number of years. 


Youth Facilitator

Heather has been a Rainbows leader for many years so is perfectly placed to support our younger Girls.

Our Directors

Jo Dilworth

Founder, Director

Jo founded Appeer in 2019 to create a positive peer-based community for autistic girls and women and those round them. She has lived and professional experience of neurodivergence and is passionate about ensuring autistic girls and women are able to access appropriate group-based support to help them connect, understand themselves and thrive. Jo is a mentor, teacher and SEND specialist who has worked with schools and educational charities for over 25 years.

Cathryn Jagger


Cathryn is a sales and marketing professional with 20 years experience. She has lived experience of parenting an autistic daughter and extensive family support knowledge.

Paige Sinkler


Paige has qualifications in psychology and autism and a background in health and social advocacy. She is an active supporter of young people, parents and carers.

Ross Dilworth


Ross is a finance specialist with extensive experience of strategically supporting charities.

Michael Oliver


Michael is a business consultant with 25 years experience helping blue chip companies to optimise strategy and operations. He currently runs a successful e-commerce business.

Tamsin O'Luanaigh


With over 25 years of experience in talent acquisition, employee engagement, and leadership development, Tamsin is passionate about ensuring neurodivergent young people and adults have equal access to opportunities and utilises her extensive professional experience, including as an employer of neurodivergent adults, to benefit the Appeer community.

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