A Social Space and Alternative Provision
Appeer Weekday Young Women's Group is for autistic young women aged 16 - 25
Who are the Groups for?
The Weekday Young Women's Group is targeted to support autistic young women who may not be in work or full time education, including those who may be home educated, those who access part time online or in person Further or Higher Education courses and/or those who do not access Further or Higher Education or work. We can support Participants who have EHCPs (this includes those who have EOTAS packages or who are on a school/college/university roll but require additional support from Appeer to help make school/college/university successful).
Individual outcomes are discussed with professionals, families, and young people at the beginning of every term, and Appeer will monitor engagement and progress.
We also support those who are in school or work but who would benefit from some peer connections, small group specialist support and respite from busy environments. We are able to consider applications from autistic young women in the Surrey, SW London, Hampshire or Berkshire areas who can attend independently without 1:1 support and who meet our admissions criteria (see our Admissions Policy
What is the aim of the Groups?
Our Weekday Young Women's Group is a 2-hour weekly group session where autistic young women aged 16 -25 can connect with their peers whilst enjoying a range of activities.
These activities aim to:
- reduce social isolation and boost wellbeing
- promote an understanding of self, including as autistic and neurodivergent individuals.
- improve abilities to connect, self-advocate and communicate with others.
- practice and discuss life skills and work skills (where appropriate).
What will happen in the Groups and how long will the Sessions be?
The Weekday Young Women's Group will take place on Monday mornings from 10 am to 12 midday. We offer a 2 hour group session where autistic young women can connect whilst enjoying a range of activities in a low-pressure, setting underpinned with a wellbeing-promotion foundation.
There are are variety activities available each morning, with option of quiet room.
Young people are supported by a high ratio of staff, including autistic and neurodivergent adults, and those with specialist education, psychology, and youth work backgrounds. Young people are in small groups of between 6 and 10.
How many Sessions can a young person attend each week?
The majority of young people attend just 1 two hour Session per week.
Who will be running the Groups?
The Weekday Young Women's Group will be lead by Kris. Kris will be supported by Susanne. Our curriculum is devised by, and overseen by Jo Dilworth (CEO).
Where will the Group be held?
The Groups are held at the Generation Centre in Goldsworth Park, Woking (**not our registered address).
Times and Dates -
Group 4 - Mondays - 10am to 12 midday
Term dates:
Summer Term 2024 - Weeks 7-12: 3rd June – 12th July 2024 will be the dates of our Pilot Group
Autumn Term 2024 - Weeks 1-6: 9th September - 18th October 2024 - 2 week half term - Weeks 7-12: 4th November 2024 - 13th December 2024
Spring Term 2025 - Weeks 1-6: 6th January - 14th February 2025 - 1 week half term - Weeks 7 - 12: 24th February 2024 - 4th April 2025
Summer Term 2025 - Weeks 1-5: 21st April - 23rd May 2024 - 1 week half term - Weeks 6 -10 9th June - 7th July 2025 * NB 10 Session Term
What is the cost?
Places can be funded by LA referral, Schools, Social Care or self-funded. Self funded places attract a discount because they don't attract all the additional management, reports, meetings and admin etc that comes with EHCP funded places. The termly fees are based on a 12 Session term. If we have a shorter term fees will be adjusted accordingly.
EHCP, LA and school place - £1200* per term (with in-depth reports including responses to EHCP outcomes, additional management and liaison with schools and LAs, Annual Review or TAF meeting attendance and associated administration)
Self-Funded Place - £1020* per term (family funded with simple reports).
*plus VAT if applicable in the future
The Programme is highly rated by parents and girls on measures including social comfort, self-confidence, life skills, meeting peers and reduced isolation. Most find they can attend every Session, despite many having been previously unable to access school or activities within the community.
For more information – email cathryn@appeer.org.uk or ring
07863 228648
Professional Referrals:
If you are a professional, e.g., a member of the local authority SEND team, social worker or SENDCO at a school, who would like to refer a young person to this Programme, please complete our standard application form
- there is an opportunity for you to add your name and contact details on the form along with the young person's name and next of kin. Please send us any relevant and helpful documentation, including the young person's EHCP, to help us assess how/if this young person may be eligible for and supported within our Programmes (send to
cathryn@appeer.org.uk). The Programme Manager and Engagement Director assess each application regularly and may arrange trial sessions if young people have not accessed Appeer Sessions before.
Self-Funding Applications:
If you are a parent/carer, or young person, who would like to apply to access this Programme, and are able and willing to self fund, please:
1) if you or your young person has already attended some Appeer Sessions please email
cathryn@appeer.org.uk, to let her know you are interested in our Weekday Groups. Cathryn will be in touch to discuss further.
2) if you are new to Appeer please please complete our standard application form here and email
cathryn@appeer.org.uk to discuss.
The Programme Manager and Engagement Manager assess each application regularly and may arrange trial sessions if young people have not accessed Appeer Sessions before.
Feedback from our other Weekday Groups
“M wouldn't leave her bedroom, let alone the house. She wouldn't speak to anyone. The time and investment Appeer put into making her feel safe enough to enter the setting, was amazing in itself. We are seeing her heal, and slowly parts of her personality come back.”
“Meeting others with autism has hugely helped me feel proud of who I am and all the 'quirks' I may have. Being able to be inspired by older or younger autistic women has made me feel like I have a community and that I'm not alone. I feel like I can talk in an understanding group and share issues I have never let leave my house because they have inspired me to be truthful and accept who I am.”
“It is unbelievably hard to get the structure and environment right for M outside of the home, but what I see from Appeer it is exactly what she requires. We have never found this before, and nothing has even worked before.”