Our Sessions and Groups available to book now.

Welcome.  Before you book on to your session via COACHA please take a moment to look at our simple booking process by clicking the button opposite.

Online Minecraft Build Sessions

Nicki and Caitlin will be running x 2 gaming sessions a month ( either Minecraft or Roblox). These will run on a Tuesday afternoon between 5pm-6.15pm. Girls and Teens Sessions will run separately and there will be a maximum of 12 spaces per Session.

Minecraft Format  - The Session will start with a welcome. Nicki will share group guidelines and the build challenge for the session, e.g. “Can you build an aquarium?” with examples. The girls can then get started on their builds, with Nicki and Caitlin providing support, tips and encouragement around their builds and facilitating conversation around shared interests to support connections.

The Session will last approximately 75 minutes and is supported by Nicki and Caitlin.

Spring & Summer Term dates 2025:

March 25

4th Girls Minecraft

25th Teens Minecraft ( bookings closed)

April 25

8th Girls Roblox ( on sale)

22nd Teens Roblox ( on sale)

May 25

6th Girls Minecraft ( on sale)

20th Teens Minecraft

July 25

1st Girls Minecraft ( on sale)

15th Teens Minecraft

Cost: £9.00 per Session (inclusive of VAT)

Bookings can be made via logging into your Coacha app and can be booked on a month by month basis.

Online Roblox Sessions

Nicki and Caitlin will be running x 2 gaming sessions a month ( either Minecraft or Roblox). These will run on a Tuesday afternoon between 5pm-6.15pm. Girls and Teens Sessions will run separately and there will be a maximum of 12 spaces per Session.

Roblox Format  – The Session will start with a welcome. Nicki will set up her own server and girls are invited to either play on that server or play on their own. Girls can share tips/tricks and have a discussion about what they enjoy or simply play alongside. There is no pressure to have your camera on or mic on. The Session will last approximately 1 hour and is supported by Nicki and Caitlin.

Spring & Summer Term dates 2025: 

April 25

8th Girls Roblox

22nd Teens Roblox

June 25

3rd Girls Roblox

24th Teens Roblox

Cost: £9.00 ( inclusive of VAT)

Bookings can be made via logging into your Coacha app and can be booked on a month by month basis.

Bookings for April will go on sale 6th March 2025

Our Monthly Girls Group takes place on monthly Sundays in Woking. This is a social interest group for girls aged 7-12 and their parents and carers.  Sessions run between 10:30am-12:30pm for the older girls (rising 11s to 12 year olds) and between 1:30-3:30 pm for the younger girls (7-10 year olds). 

Spring Term 2025: 26th January, 23rd February, 23rd March, 27th April 2025

Summer Term 2025: 18th May, 22nd June, 13th July 2025

Cost: £36.00 per Session/£18.00 Concessionary

Activities for 27th April will include:

Crafts: Funny face grass heads and Snap bracelets

Cooking: Thumbprint cookies

Indoor/Outdoor Games

Priority bookings will open week commencing  by 25/03/25

General Sale tickets will open 01/04/25

Bookings will close 18/04/25

Our Monthly Teen Group takes place on monthly Sundays in Woking. This is a social interest group for girls aged 13-18 years and their parents and carers.  Sessions run between 11am -1pm for the younger teens (13-15 year olds) and between 2-4 pm for the older Teens (15-18 year olds). 

Spring Term 2025: 12th January, 9th February, 9th March, 6th April 2025

Summer Term 2025: 11th May, 8th June, 6th July 2025

Cost: £36.00 per Session/£18.00 Concessionary

Activities for the 6th April will include

Cooking:  Easter Cookies

Crafts:  Hama Beads and Fidget Spinners (make your own)

Workshop:  Weird Science ( with Nat)

Chilled Games and Chat

NB: There will be no Yoga at this months Session

Priority Bookings open  12/03/25

General Bookings open 19/03/25

Bookings will close 01/04/25

The Sessions will be a gentle introduction to yoga for those who are beginners. Our Yoga Sessions are suitable for all abilities. Yoga postures focus on gentle stretches and moving with our breath to allow the body and mind to shift into the restful part of the nervous system. 

The Session will end with relaxation and breathing techniques to help us feel calm and rested. The purpose of yoga is to support the body and mind, the intention is to do only what makes you feel comfortable. Any body shape and fitness level can access yoga and qigong - it is about nurturing our well being and stilling our mind.

Open to Autistic Teens and Women 15+ and parent/carers who are attending the monthly Teen group

Spring Term 2025: 12th January, 9th February,

Summer Term 2025: 11th May, 8th June, 6th July 2025

Time:  3.00-3.45pm

Cost: £5.00

There will not be any Yoga Session for March and April 25

Yoga will return for the Summer Term

Our Young Women's Group is for autistic women aged 18-35 years from the Surrey area who are interested in connecting with other local autistic women, are open to chatting about being autistic and meeting socially with a small peer group.

The Group is gently facilitated by Nat our Women's Programme Manager and lasts around 2 hours.  The focus is on shared interests and is choice-led (there is no pressure to do anything, including chatting).  Activities include arts and crafts, board games etc.

If you are new to Appeer and would like to take part please email claire@appeer.org.uk and she will send you a link to an application form.

Activities for the 6th April Session will include

Cooking: Easter Biscuits

Crafts: Hama Beads and Fidget Spinners ( make your own)

Facilitated Chat

Spring Term 2025:  12th January, 9th February, 9th March, 6th April 2025

Summer Term 2025: 11th May, 8th June, 6th July 2025

Cost:  £12.00 per Session/ £6.00 Concessionary

Bookings for the April Session are now open

We are excited to be returning to Pizza Express Guildford for a 2 hour Pizza making friendly on Sunday 13th April 2025 10.00am-12noon

On arrival, girls will meet with APPEER staff and the Pizza chef and put on their aprons, wash their hands and have access to some ice-breaking activities and a few sensory toys. Please bring fidgets or anything your daughter might want access to in the session.

Pizza making fun includes making your own bases and choosing your toppings- Approx 40 minutes

Girls wait for their pizzas to cook, enjoy some dough balls and some Pizza art with Kris and Nicki. The pizzas will be boxed up and the girls can eat their pizzas in the restaurant ( we have reserved a quiet table). If they don't finish their pizzas, they can take them home with them.

NB: The restaurant does not open until 11.30 am for the public so the girls will have the restaurant to themselves for the most part of the Session.

Date: Sunday 13th April 25

Time: 10am-12noon

Location: Pizza Express, Guildford

Facilitated  by: Kris, Nicki, Sally

Ticket Cost:  £25.00 general ticket

                         £12.50 concessionary ticket

Spaces are now all filled for this Session, please email claire@appeer.org.uk to be added to the cancellation waiting list.

NB: This session is for ages 10-14years only. Please do not book on if your young person is not within this age range.

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