Alternative Provision  

Appeer Weekday Groups for autistic girls aged 10-18yrs

Who are the Groups for?

Our Weekday Groups are designed to support autistic girls who may not be in full time education, including those who are out of school, home educated and/or who have EOTAS or other weekday support via EHCPs.  We also support those who are in school but who would benefit from some peer connections, small group specialist support and respite from the busy school environment.  We are able to consider applications from autistic girls in the Surrey, SW London, Hampshire or Berkshire areas who can attend independently without 1:1 support and who meet our admissions criteria (see our Admissions Policy here).  For ages between 10 -18yrs. (i.e. school years 6-13 inclusive).

We encourage parents and carers to stay for the Group if they are able.    We offer a dedicated space for parents and carers to connect.   We have specially trained and experienced staff (also parents of autistic daughters), who gently facilitate these Sessions.  This is an opportunity for parents and carers to realise they are not alone and to share with their peers experiences of parenting an autistic daughter.  Our Parent/Carer Facilitators are able to offer advice and signposting which complements the support the girls are offered and may enhance successful outcomes. 

What is the aim of the Groups?

The aim of the Groups is to increase the Attendees' social inclusion and:

  • Build positive social experiences in a supportive setting.
  • Gain life skills like cooking, accessing community venues and more.
  • Learn about their autism and support needs.
  • Hidden curriculum promoting SEMH and wellbeing.
  • Can act as a stepping stone into educational settings.
  • Concurrent facilitated parent/carer peer support.

What will happen in the Groups and how long will the Sessions be?

The Groups take place in the mornings from 10am to 1pm.  We offer a 3 hour group Session where autistic girls connect whilst enjoying a range of activities in a low-pressure setting underpinned with a wellbeing-promotion foundation.


There are 2 activity sessions each morning, split by a choice-led break with option of quiet room.   

Young people are supported by a high ratio of staff, including autistic and neurodivergent adults, and those with specialist education, psychology, and youth work backgrounds. Young people are in small groups of between 6 and 10.  Parents/carers also have their own Facilitator and can access informal peer support and respite. 

How many Sessions can a young person attend each week?

The majority of young people attend just 1 three hour Session per week.  However, we are able to offer young people 2 Sessions per week if it is considered beneficial.  For example, they might attend Monday as their first Session and Wednesday as a second Session.  

Who will be running the Groups?

Our Weekday Group is managed by Cathryn Jagger our Engagement Manager.  Our curriculum is devised by, and overseen by Jo Dilworth (CEO).  Kris lead these Groups and is supported by Deborah, Nicky, Michelle, Jess, Robyn and Lindsey, our Youth facilitators.  The parents and carers' Sessions are managed by Cathryn our Engagement Manager and supported by  Sally and Kira our Parent/Carer Facilitators. 

Where will the Group be held? 

The Groups are held at a venue in St. John's Woking (**not our registered address).

Times and Dates -

Group 1 - Mondays

Key Stage 3/4/5:  Mondays 10am-1pm

Group 2 - Tuesdays 

Key Stage 3/4/5: Tuesdays 10am-1pm

Group 3 - Wednesdays 

Key Stage 2/3/4: Wednesdays 10am-1pm

Term dates:

Spring Term 2025  - Weeks 1-6: 6th January - 14th February 2025 - 1 week half term - Weeks 7 - 12: 24th February 2024 - 4th April 2025

Summer Term 2025 - Weeks 1-5: 21st April - 23rd May 2024 - 1 week half term  - Weeks 6 -12 3rd June - 18th July 2025 * NB Groups 1 and 2 to join together for a Community Visit in Summer Term Week 1 on Tuesday 22nd April due to bank holiday for Easter Monday on 21st April.

Autumn Term 2025 - Weeks 1- 6: 8th September - 17th October 2025 - 2 week half term - Weeks 7-12: 3rd November - 12th December 2025

Spring Term 2026 - Weeks 1 - 6: 5th January - 13th February 2026   - 1 week half term - Weeks 7 -12: 23rd February - 1st April 2026

Summer Term 2026  - Weeks 1 -6: 13th April - 22nd May 2026 - 1 week half term - Weeks 7 - 12: 1st June - 10th July 2026 * NB Groups 1 and 2 to join together for a Community Visit in Summer Term Week 4 on Tuesday 4th  May due to bank holiday on 3rd May 2026.

Visit to a community venue once per term during holiday time e.g. leisure centre, climbing, heritage venue (at no extra cost).   

What is the cost? 

Places can be funded by LA referral, Schools or self-funded.   Self funded places attract a discount because they don't attract all the additional management, reports, meetings and admin etc that comes with EHCP funded places.  The termly fees are based on a 12 Session term.  If we have a shorter term fees will be adjusted accordingly.

EHCP, LA and school place -  £2050* per term (with in-depth reports including responses to EHCP outcomes,  additional management and liaison with schools and LAs, Annual Review or TAF meeting attendance and associated administration)   

Self-Funded Place  -  £1742.50* per term (family funded with simple reports).

*plus VAT if applicable in the future

The Programme is highly rated by parents and girls on measures including social comfort, self-confidence, life skills, meeting peers and reduced isolation. Most girls find they can attend every Session, despite many having been previously unable to access school or activities within the community.


For more information – email or ring 07863 228648

Professional Referrals:

If you are a professional, e.g., a member of the local authority SEND team, social worker or SENDCO at a school, who would like to refer a young person to this Programme, please complete our standard application form here and email to discuss - there is an opportunity for you to add your name and contact details on the form along with the young person's name and next of kin. 

Please send us any relevant and helpful documentation, including the young person's EHCP, to help us assess how/if this young person may be eligible for and supported within our Programmes (send to 

The Programme Manager and Engagement Director assess each application regularly and may arrange trial sessions if young people have not accessed Appeer Sessions before.

Family Applications (Self-Funding):

If you are a parent/carer who would like to apply for your young person to access this Programme, and are able and willing to self fund, please:

1) if your young person has already attended some Appeer Sessions please email, to let her know you are interested in our Weekday Groups.  Cathryn will be in touch to discuss further.

2) if you are new to Appeer please please complete our standard application form here and email to discuss

The Programme Manager and Engagement Director assess each application regularly and may arrange trial sessions if young people have not accessed Appeer Sessions before.


I just wanted to drop you an email to say how much my daughter enjoyed being at Appeer this week. To think where we were 2 years ago to where we are now, the change is unbelievable. Back then, it was easy to dwell on negative thoughts about her future but finding Appeer has helped her so much. It has helped her to understand herself better amongst girls and women who are just like her.   

She has started her new specialist school and I sincerely believe that going to Appeer has helped her manage to go to school every day this week. She uses the tools she has learnt at Appeer to self-regulate and advocate for herself. This all enables her to be back in a school environment and hopefully thrive. 

 The me 2 years ago would never have pictured this. Thank you so much.

Just to say what a fabulous bunch of people to work alongside.

Your responses are overwhelming by the speed in which policies have been sent. Senco, Surrey Secondary School

"I feel quite emotional about how much K enjoyed the trial today! The other girls are just so lovely and welcoming, and K let her guard down probably quicker than I’ve ever seen her. The group made her feel so comfortable and ‘normal’ and honestly I couldn’t ask for more😊. She loved that the staff were so relaxed and accommodating and she didn’t feel that she had to do anything she didn’t really want to.“F has started to speak with the other girls at the sessions, she said she even did a little in the first week which was amazing and should not be underestimated how incredibly difficult that is for her”. Parent

“I came to understand myself better and accept myself for who I am ….. Ever since …. [Meeting autistic girls] through Appeer, I’ve realised that I’m not alone and it’s such a comforting feeling.” Autistic teenage girl.

  “They are very very fun and have helped me talk to different people” 10-year-old autistic girl

"I don't know what we would have done without Appeer, S was declining so fast....she wouldn't leave her bedroom, let alone the house.....Her world was so small and she existed purely in survival mode. The time and investment Appeer put into making her feel safe enough to enter the setting, was amazing in itself. We are seeing her heal, and slowly parts of her personality come back. She says she loves having people she doesn't have to explain herself to. Having her get herself up, dressed, and looking forward to going to Appeer has changed everything. We will be forever thankful to you all and the work that you do." Parent/Carer

Click here for a full information leaflet about the Weekday Group Link to the application form
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